Sunday, April 26, 2020

No Thanks To Globalism

Corona virus... How will it affect United States

The ultimate goal for the globalist's is... that they understand that the global economy has to collapse or at least disintegrate to a large extent , in order for them to be able to introduce their new global economic system that is central to what they want to do in the future under a global government. They view this pandemic as a way to help orchestrate that , to intensify the call for globalism and a type of false global unity.
We all want to see this crisis solved and to the degree that Nation's can cooperate in doing that, however there's a lot more to this , when you do the underlying research and you see the organization's involved and pushing all this forward. Quote... Gary Kah...

With that being said, we as Christian's know that the times are closing in on us. We are citizen's of heaven, therefore these thing's only serve as a reminder that we need to be about our Father's business. With a large portion of the body of Christ being asleep as it were, we shall pray and await God's promised outpouring of the latter rain and be ready for it when it happens! Make some phone calls and reach out to those we know that need to hear that Christ loves them and want's them to be ready for his return. Do some bible study and refresh ourselves in the Word of God so that we will be ready to answer them if they ask. ..   Remember..We shall overcome !     God bless !                                     

1 peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

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